I thought I was an anxious person before I had kids!
Before kids I could do what I wanted without worrying about too many other people. If the laundry didn't get done, I just wore cleanish and sort of inappropriate clothes. No dinner food? Popcorn it is! If I promised myself I would do something and didn't, it was just me I disappointed. (Usually)
Now everything is different! Self care is still important, of course. Because without me, the whole system breaks down! But if I don't get the laundry done, my babies and hubs can't operate successfully. If I don't go grocery shopping and plan ahead for meals, everyone suffers.
Besides all that, I worry about worldly things. How will the banks closing in Greece affect us here? Should I enroll my son in toddler classes? How can I be more organized? What kind of germs did the cat bring in with that dead mouse he left in my bedroom floor? What will happen in our future?
I worry about diseases, financial ruin, mental health issues, social issues, bullying, school mayham, scheduling conflicts, and my inability to get out of the house on time.
My husband says if we just put one foot in front of the other, and do the next right thing, we should be okay. I hope he's right.
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