The Baby is sick. He has a cough, his breathing is wheezy, and he sneezes periodically. I think he has a fever, but I don't know for sure because both our thermometers need batteries. I would give him a fever reducer dose (Pedia Care, or whatever), but he doesn't take medication very well.
Earlier this evening, I tried to give him the homeopathic medication straight up and he spit it out and gagged and choked up bile. Oops! Yes, he got lots of cuddles after that. And I bleached the floor. For the first few doses yesterday, I was able to mix a dose with his juice, but by his bedtime milk bottle he figured it out and wouldn't drink it.
When I am out of kid-safe cough syrup, I give the kids a spoonful of honey. (Both my kids are over the age of one, so no one is getting botchalism.) He wouldn't even take that, he was too suspicious.
Nap for The Baby lasted two hours, and I think he would have slept longer but the phone rang. He was tired and worn out for most of the afternoon. The only good thing about that, is the cuddles he needs from me. We watched way too much TV, but while we were all on my/The Hub's bed, The Baby snuggled in close. Despite him sneezing and coughing in my face, I still love hanging out with him. I hope he's feeling better tomorrow.
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