Just wasted a bunch of time online looking at the average size of American families, and posts about women who want more kids, but their husbands do not. I do like the idea of having three kids, but I am also thrilled with my family as it is now. As of now, the boys each have their own room. And both me and my husband grew up with one sibling. My husband is not at all interested in having another child. I mention the idea occasionally, and it is always met with hostility! Two is a great number; two parents, two hands, and its' easier to divide things in half rather than thirds...right now we are doing just fine. Also, my second pregnancy was harder on my body than my first. But the birth was easier. I love my babies, but birth and newborns are hard! So I guess since I could go either way (keep the head count at two or three), it would make the best sense for my marriage to not have another child. Alright, decision made. I guess.
I made soup the other day. Stock from 'veggie nubs', meaning I save the skins and such from veggies to boil to make my stock. I froze a portion of it (a few jars worth) and I put the rest in the fridge. My sister gave me a pie crust mix, which I used today. While the kids were napping, I made the crust. And when we got home (later than I meant to) I put the crust in my new pie tins and threw a handful of flour in, along with my Tupperware of soup. I let it bake at 405 degrees Fahrenheit, for probably about a half hour. I checked on it periodically. I thought it was delicious, as did The Hubs. The Boy was persuaded to eat it, and The Baby tasted it. Perhaps they will like it better for lunch.
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