Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Stay Calm

I'm feeling really good about my mothering abilities today. I stayed calm during three meltdowns staged by The Boy. I made sure that he knew that I still loved him, I still cared about him, and I knew that he was having a hard time. But I also stated that I could not give him what I wanted because of the logistics of the situation, and because I wasn't going to give in to his demands. (I explained all this to him in a more child-friendly way.)

We had a long drive today, to pick up my father-in-law, and I brought snacks, drinks, and books. When we took my father-in-law to his appointment, I brought the same stuff. I notice that the more prepared I am for whatever they may need, the better our day goes.

Remember Lamb Chop? I got a book from the library written by Sherri Lewis. Its' a book of games for children, and we tried one. (We only played for a few minutes.) In an empty egg carton, I wrote numbers, 1-12, in each section. Then we tossed quarters at, and sometimes in, the carton. And I had The Boy tell me what number the quarters landed in. Not the most successful projects of ours, but I'm glad we did it.

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