Friday, October 14, 2016

I'm Sick!

I'm sick! And I always feel sorry for myself when I'm sick. The only time I don't feel totally awful is when I'm in the shower, reading a good book, or watching t.v.
I have decided that because I'm under the weather and I'm not feeling well, I will try to get my stuff done, but I will not beat myself up if I don't.
When I'm sick I tend to rely more on the home remedies. And I believe in taking the day off. We dropped off books at the library, and went grocery shopping, but now we are home for the day.
Drinking a lot of fluids is essential to getting over a cold faster. Water, obviously, but also tea with honey, hot water with honey and lemon, apple cider vinegar with water, and juice are all good options. Go easy on the sugar, so it's a good idea to dilute your juice with water.
I plan on resting, if possible, with the kids. Perhaps we can watch one of the Halloween DVDs we got from the library.
For my sake, and the sake of others, I hope I feel better soon.
What are some of your home remedies?

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