Monday, May 23, 2016

Outside Oranges

My new strategy for life is for us to be busy, out and about, for half the day. For the other half of the day, we will be doing chores and 'school' and other household things. This worked really well today. I woke up early-ish (6:30) and we were out of the house by nine. We managed to go to the dry cleaners, the gas station, the library, and the grocery store. I was so impressed with us!
When the kids woke up from nap we had a snack, then we went outside. We did a ball toss, we played with the kiddie pool, and we spent a full hour outside. The Boy put his clothes away, put the dishes away, and put his toys away. It was lovely.

I reused my sugar/orange simple syrup to make a new batch of orange peel candies. It seemed to solidify, sort of. But they turned out ok; they were really sweet.

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