Thursday, January 22, 2015

Jammin' Jungle

The three of us went to a place called Jammin' Jungle, which is a free indoor park. The Boy had a lot of fun rushing around and pushing the little carts. It took us a long time to get out of the house, but I'm glad we made it.

I had to stop at Walgreens to get formula. I misplaced my high-value coupon, but I found a $2 one instead.

The Boy's vocabulary is increasing everyday and it is so gratifying and astounding to watch him build up his language.
I was washing dishes and he ran up to me and said,
"Hood? Hood!"
He was holding an orange matchbook car, whose hood was open.
Although it took me a minute to understand him, I was really excited for him. And he gave me a big, toothy grin, pleased that his mama was so proud.

I think I might be feeding The Baby too much. At the beginning of his life, I was exclusively breast feeding, and the poor little guy was hangry (hungry and angry) all the time. So now I feel like I should feed him a lot, I guess.
Tonight he was fussy and tired and I gave him about 6 ounces. I picked him up, and he spit up all over me and the floor.
I was so annoyed, but when I was changing him, he gave me his heart-warming grins.

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